Erfahrungsaustausch mal ausführlich.
Beiträge: 57
Registriert: Di 12. Mai 2009, 10:18


Beitrag von ale »


herebelow our site with pictures and report about our trips to ICELAND:

At the moment you'll find only the report from our last trip in 2008. That was our first trip by bike. We planned this trip for more than 2 years and the outcome resulted very good! Our preparation proved to be well done. We had to adjust the trip to the usual icelandic weather, but this is something known... The idea was to cross the island from suoth to nord, with the bike, riding only F roads. We started in Hvolsvollur heading for the F210, then we crossed Reykjadalir. We got to F26 until Nyidalur. Here the weather cut our planned trip to do F910, no reason to go in such a place if the only thing you can see is fog and rain!!! So we took F752 and, after a bath in Laugafell, we got to Akureyri. From here we went by bus to Þorshöfn and from here we went to Egilsstadir riding the bike in a spot of good weather while the rest of Iceland was full of storms. that's the trip in few lines.

A special thank goes to this forum for the tons of infos. In particoular I want to thank Dieter, Olaf and Andi, their websites are very well known!

Our first trip was in 2004, by car. Let's say an introductive trip to get the feeling.
Our second trip was in 2005, we did the Laugavegurrin and then a fast trip in Vestfirðir.

For this season well rest home, but we will go back since we have so many planned trips in our mind that need to be done!

Feel free to leave a comment and if someone needs advices about our trip don't hesitate to contact me.


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