Liest sich nicht gut... "...a more utilitarian approach to nature."
Wie wird das in Island aufgenommen?
There´s a new government in Iceland.
As predicted by many then the new government puts high priority on pushing forward new energy projects in areas which had previously been preserved by the Energy Framework.
The new government also has merged the Ministry of the Environment with other ministries and the new minister who looks after environmental affairs has come out declaring that there will be a more utilitarian approach to nature. The new government has also declared that they want to push ahead with the aluminium plant in Helguvik which would require by default that many places would be damaged or destroyed to produce the energy required.
The new prime minister also belittled 400 protest signatures against the aluminium plants alluding that experts opinion matters more than public opinion. It´s worth noting that the experts he´s referring to were politically appointed and were not experts as far as we know in the subject at hand as far as we understand.
Many regard the governments stance to be nothing less than a declaration of war against nature in Iceland and Landvernd is organizing protests.
You may be baffled as to why these parties are in power. The explanation lies perhaps in that their main election promise was to solve the financial problems faced by many Icelandic households. There have been no forthcoming solutions to that problem so far in their tenure however so far.
Quelle: eine Gruppe im weltweiten Fratzenbuch, die sich Sorgen um die Natur in Island macht. Meldung ist von heute.
Umweltministerium - abgeschafft?
Umweltministerium - abgeschafft?
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- Herrscher des Nordmeeres
- Beiträge: 761
- Registriert: Fr 23. Nov 2007, 21:36
- Wohnort: Ganznahe
Re: Umweltministerium - abgeschafft?
Es gibt dazu auch einen Artikel im Grapevine: ... evelopment
Passend dazu wie alles umschlaegt: ... lava-field
Ist halt alles zutiefst korrupt - man nennt das nur nicht Korruption sondern "Einhalten von Versprechen" wie
es mir mal ein Islaender augenzwingernd erklaert hat. ... evelopment
Passend dazu wie alles umschlaegt: ... lava-field
Ist halt alles zutiefst korrupt - man nennt das nur nicht Korruption sondern "Einhalten von Versprechen" wie
es mir mal ein Islaender augenzwingernd erklaert hat.
Rettet das Hochland:
Zukunftsland islaendische Naturschutzseite Island
Rettet Island auslaendische Naturschutzseite Island
Heart of Iceland islaendische Seite zur Rettung des Hochlandes
Traumland das Buch zum Thema von Andri Snær Magnason
Zukunftsland islaendische Naturschutzseite Island
Rettet Island auslaendische Naturschutzseite Island
Heart of Iceland islaendische Seite zur Rettung des Hochlandes
Traumland das Buch zum Thema von Andri Snær Magnason
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